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Breath Focused Hatha Yoga Zurich

Breath Focused Hatha Yoga


Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness,
which unites your body to your thoughts.

- Thich Nhat Hanh -

Hi, I’m glad you’re here! My name is Evgenia (or Genia) and I welcome you to my online space. It is continuously filling with information about my yoga teaching and learning. But for now, please learn below about "ujjayi" or register for my classes.



Ujjayi is a breathing technique employed in a variety of yoga practices. In relation to yoga, it is sometimes called "the ocean breath." Unlike some other forms of pranayama, the ujjayi breath is typically done in association with asana practice in some styles of yoga as exercise.

Ujjayi comes from the Sanskrit prefix ud and root ji

ujji meaning to be victorious

ujjayi thus means one who is victorious

Ujjayi breath is a type of diaphragmatic breath where the throat muscles of the glottis are slightly constricted, causing the air to produce a whispering, audible vibration as it passes in and out the vocal cords. Inhalation and exhalation are both done through the nose, and the resultant sound must be audible enough for the user to hear it, but not so loud for someone standing two meter away to hear it. The inhalations and exhalations are equal in duration, and are controlled in a natural manner that causes no distress to the practitioner.

Wednesday After Work Yoga Class



Power Yoga in Stadelhofen mondays 19:05

and sometimes substitute classes. Fitnesspark membership required

After Work Yoga wednesdays 19:30

single entries and abos available

also online

“Evgenia is the most amazing yoga teacher I’ve ever met. Her classes are absolutely fabulous, they allow you to give strength to the body, calm your mind and find your inner peace. I highly recommend her! Namaste”


“...Evgenia is very precise with her technique which i find extremely helpful - a small adjustment can make a huge different when holding a pose. She gently corrects, even online sometimes. She always offers different levels of a specific exercises, allowing you to choose how far you want to go each day...”


Genia Pronina lives what she loves. With a pleasant, calm voice, she conveys her passion in a very easy-to-understand way.
For me it was particularly valuable that she attaches great importance to conscious, mindful breathing during the yoga sessions...


I AM...

...Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher since 2021

...currently giving two regular group classes a week

...fluent in Swiss German, English and Russian

Breath Focused Hatha Yoga Zurich

By relaxation of effort and meditation on the infinite (āsanas are perfected)

- Sutra 2.47 from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali -
Registered Yoga Teacher 200
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